Off Grid Internet: 5 Realistic Options

In today's world, the internet is an important part of modern life.  In fact, some people consider internet access a basic utility. But, what if you wanted to move into the “boonies” and live off the grid.  Is it possible to have off grid internet? Furthermore, what if you do not even have electricity? What then? Such topics are the focus of this article.  Here are several ways to have off grid internet even in the middle of the forest.  

1) Cell phone connection

If you live within range of cell phone reception and have a smart phone, off grid internet access is easy.  Your smart phone can also be used as a personal hot spot. Using your laptop screen is much easier than using the small screen on your phone. This is by far the least expensive option since you are already paying for your cell phone plan.  However, while you may have unlimited data on your cell phone, this may not be the case when using your phone as a personal hotspot....

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