How I Built a Solar Battery Box for less than $50

Solar battery enclosures can range in price from a few hundred dollars to a few thousand. The price depends mostly on the size of the enclosure and the manufacturer. But, if you are a DIY kind of person, you can save yourself a considerable amount of money. This is what I did. I used some spare lumber and other materials I had on the homestead and I built a solar battery enclosure for less than $50.

First, I leveled out an area under the eave on the North side of the cabin. Then I place some left over landscaping brick on the ground for the battery enclosure to sit on. At this point, the solar panels have been mounted but of course none of the electrical work has been connected.  You can see the AC loads panel for the cabin in the upper left of this photo.

The next step was to build the base and make sure that was level. For this part, i used some heavy duty rough cut timber that was left over from re-surfacing a bridge.

Then I framed in the back, then the top and side...

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Simple Solar Project Part II


If you read my last post on off grid power and viewed the video on simple solar projects, you now know that some of these projects are in fact very easy to put together and require only some very basic knowledge of solar energy, wiring, and appropriate safety precautions. 

After I put together that post, it occurred to me some people might be wondering about simple off grid power systems that come pre-packaged and ready to go.  In the that post, I built a 200 watt solar array from scratch. However,  there are many basic systems on the market that are “plug and play”. This simply means that you order a complete system, unpack it from the shipping boxes, follow the simple directions on how to plug things together, and you have a ready made source of off grid power.  

While these simple off grid power systems are readily available, they are more geared toward mobility. This means that these systems are easy to pack up and relocate.   ...

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Simple Solar Project Part I


Renewable energy is key to being self sufficient on the homestead. Having an alternative source of energy, such as solar, makes you a little bit more self reliant. Despite the importance of this, many people are intimidated by this topic and never realize that quite often a simple solar project is easily within their reach.

In this video post, I demonstrate how I solved a particular problem with my green house.  The green house sits a 10,000 feet elevation and has been in place for about 3 years.  I assumed that my biggest problem would be keeping it warm enough. However, due to the intense mid-day sun at that elevation, my biggest problem is keeping it cool enough. I tried putting in roof vents, side vents, leaving the door open, and using small 12 volt fans to circulate air. But nothing was working the way I wanted it to. What I needed was a large electric fan to force hot air out through the roof vents. But in order to run a fan, I needed electricity. The utility lines...

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What Can You Power With a 100 Watt Solar Panel?

When it comes to living off the grid and being self sufficient, having a strong understanding of your renewable energy options is very important. It is possible to live without electricity.  I did it for over 15 years.  However, having a source of electricity was a game changer for me. I now power two cabins, a chicken barn and a 600 square foot green house all from solar energy. But I started out simple and first discovered just what I could power with a 100 watt solar panel.  

But in order to go big, you must start with the basics. Since some of my most recent projects have involved  a 100 watt solar panel, that is why I’ve chosen this as an example. Then you can build on the basics.  So, let’s first develop an understanding of what you can power with a 100 watt solar panel. 

A 100 watt solar panel is inexpensive, easily available, and best of all it is portable.  It has become a popular choice for RVs, camping, recharging portable...

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What Makes a Good Solar Site

Despite the many advantages of solar energy, first and foremost, the initial question to be answered is whether solar is truly practical for your particular situation. If you decide it is a practical choice, the second question is whether or not your site is suitable for solar energy production. Consequently,  you need to know what makes a good solar site.

Solar energy is quite versatile. Panels can in fact be installed practically anywhere. However, the simple fact is that some situations are more practical than others and some sites are more suitable than others. Consequently, before deciding to invest in this type of renewable energy,  these two questions must be answered.


Why Location Makes a Difference


The location of the installation directly affects the total sun hours. This is the amount of time the panels are exposed to sun light. Total sun  hours directly affects energy production. The amount of energy production directly effects cost savings...

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23 Reasons to Choose Solar Power

Deciding whether or not to invest in renewable energy can be challenging and even overwhelming. Often the up-front capital investment is intimidating. Additionally, most organizations are just interested in selling you an expensive package. It can also be challenging to find someone willing to simply give you the straight facts. But as you will see, there are numerous reasons to choose solar power.

Solar power and the related technologies have proven efficiencies. Using solar power also has tremendous environmental benefits. You will often see a return on your investment in a short period of time.

This informational article will explain some of the tremendous benefits of renewable energy. In particular I will discuss the 23 reasons to choose solar power.

Perhaps I will even convince you to take the next step and go solar.



-Covering only 4% of the world’s desert areas with photovoltaic could supply enough electricity for the...

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